New collective agreement in the hotel and catering industry - Hogastjob

New collective agreement in the hotel and catering industry

From 1. November 2024, the new collective agreement (CBA) will come into force for all employees in the Austrian hotel and catering industry. The changes bring some significant innovations and ensure more flexibility and fair working conditions. In addition, paragraphs that could be misunderstood have been reworded.

The updated collective agreement creates uniform minimum standards for all businesses in the hotel and catering industry throughout Austria. This means that no matter in which federal state and in which area you want to work - the conditions are the same. The collective agreement applies equally to blue-collar and white-collar workers. Previously, the two occupational groups had different contracts.

We have summarized the WKO* changes for you so that you have a clear overview of what to expect in the future!

What's new: changes to the CT at a glance

In principle, the new CT will apply from 1. November 2024. However, there are also provisions that will not come into force until 1. May 2025. 

The changes that will apply from November 2024 include

  • new working time flexibilization (extended calculation option, trial month, extension option for fixed-term contracts, termination regulations)
  • connected time off
  • Regulation of public holidays
  • Night work supplement
  • Changes for young people (apprentices and trainees)
  • Changes for part-time employees
  • Adjustment of special payments (vacation and Christmas bonuses)

Flexible working hours: for better planning of your working and leisure time

Probably the most important change is the adjustment of the calculation rules. Previously, the period under consideration for the calculation rules was limited to 17 weeks. With the changes, this has been increased to 26 weeks. This means more leeway for you and your employer when organizing your working hours. It also allows seasonal businesses in vacation regions in particular to plan for the long term.

Good to know: Regardless of whether you have a fixed-term or permanent employment contract: The calculation of working hours must be agreed in writing!

The extended calculation option at a glance:

  • 26 weeks (6 months) observation period
  • written agreement required
  • Part-time employees also benefit from this
  • clearly defined payment dates in/after the calculation period
  • Calculation for young people with individual agreement

Trial month, renewal option and termination rules

From now on, when you start a new job, your first month is automatically a trial month. It makes no difference whether you are employed in the kitchen, at reception or behind the scenes in administration. In addition, fixed-term employment contracts can now be extended by up to four weeks without interrupting the calculation period.

Good to know: Even if a fixed-term employment contract can be extended, it can be extended for a maximum of nine months.

Would you like to cancel?

Then you can do this at any 15. of the month or on the last day of the month. Please note the following notice periods:

  • in the 1. and 2. year of service: 6 weeks
  • from the 3. year of service: 2 months
  • from the 6. year of service: 3 months
  • from the 16. year of service: 4 months
  • from the 26. year of service: 5 months

Leisure time & Holidays: planned relaxation

Up to twelve times a year, you are entitled to so-called consecutive time off. This is a Sunday or a regular closing day and a day before or after. For example, Saturday and Sunday or Sunday and Monday.

However, there are exceptions:

  • The company where you work has 2 closing days per week.
  • You have at least 2 fixed days off per week, even if these do not fall on the weekend - for example every Tuesday and Wednesday.
  • You have a fixed-term employment contract for up to 9 months.

Good to know: If you are off work on a public holiday more than six times in a calendar year, you are entitled to an additional day off from the seventh time. This applies for each day off on a public holiday.

But even here exceptions apply. This rule does not apply if ..

  • ... you have at least one fixed day off per week.
  • ... you are only employed to work at weekends or on public holidays.
  • ... you have a fixed-term employment contract of up to 9 months.

New surcharges for night work

Are you a night owl and prefer to work when others are asleep or partying? Then you will benefit from this innovation! If you work between midnight and 6 a.m., you are entitled to a staggered night work bonus. You will receive one third of the flat-rate night work allowance for each period. 

This is what the staggering looks like: 

  • from 00:01 to 02:00
  • from 02:01 to 04:00
  • from 04:01 to 06:00

Good to know: If your shift starts at 5:00 am, you will receive a supplement of 4.50 EUR. There is no surcharge from 5:30 a.m. onwards.

Fair conditions for young apprentices 

Up to now, a two-week throughput agreement for apprentices always required the approval of a works council. From 1. November 2024, restaurants and hotels can agree individual contracts with underage apprentices without a works council.

Good to know: If you work hard at vocational school, you can look forward to a bonus. If you pass the final apprenticeship examination with an excellent result on your first attempt, you will receive EUR 250. If you do well, EUR 200 will be added to your salary.

Calculate special payments

There are also changes to special payments: The assessment basis for vacation and Christmas bonuses is now based on the actual salary in the month in which they are due. The average night work and foreign language allowances are also included. For part-time employees, the pro rata share is calculated according to the hours worked, whereby regular overtime must be taken into account. 

At a glance:

  • shortened waiting period for special payments for workers
  • changed assessment basis

Good to know: The real overtime flat rate and overtime actually paid out are not the basis of assessment for your Christmas and vacation pay.

Changes from 2025

Some innovations need a little more time to be implemented. You can look forward to the following benefits from 1. May 2025

  • Apprentices will be promoted to a higher wage group immediately after successfully passing their final examination.
  • Wage and salary increases must now be implemented every 5 years throughout Austria.
  • Previous periods of service and industry experience will be credited with up to 3 years.


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