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Waiter/waitress: a job with a future


from Claudia

Restaurant work: What the future holds ..

There's no question about it: waiters are currently in particularly high demand. There are several reasons for this. One is the coronavirus pandemic, which has shaken up many an industry. For another: Fewer and fewer people have the confidence to take on this varied job.

Yet there are numerous reasons to try out the profession. For example, the joy of dealing with people, teamwork with colleagues, contact with guests and the varied working day.

But what does the future hold for this important service sector?

We have identified three trends that show how working in restaurants will change. This much can already be revealed: The relationship between waiter and guest is and will remain the top priority.

Trend #1: Attractive working conditions

Waiters and waitresses have been in high demand on the job market for years. In the future, it is to be expected that the hotel and catering industry in particular will be even more open to employees. This means: more benefits and even better working conditions.

From training to everyday working life: attractive and future-proof are the keywords that will increasingly characterize the field of human resources. And another piece of good news: some Austrian companies are already playing a pioneering role in this area.

Trend #2: Digital gadgets save time

Whether it's reservations, payment, work planning or guest management, digitalization continues to make progress in the restaurant industry. Restaurant employees expect this to significantly reduce the workload in their respective areas of activity.

After all, the digital helpers save valuable time that waiters can spend looking after their guests.

Foto von Serviceroboter bei der Arbeit

Trend #3: Robots? No replacement for waiters!

Serving robots have been under discussion for some time. In future, they will support waiters and waitresses in their work. Support - not replace. After all, restaurateurs agree on one thing: human-to-human contact still counts in the relationship with guests.

At least it's practical: the serving robots of the future should free up waiters and waitresses for more high-quality guest service. Whether clearing dishes or bringing salt and ketchup to the table - restaurant staff will be able to count on the help of intelligent machines for these small services in the future.

Becoming a waiter - here's how it works!

Are you looking for an apprenticeship or do you want to work in a restaurant? Then find all vacancies in the HOGASTJOB job search now !

We have put together the best application tips for your convincing application here!

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