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Slack in sight? How to stay motivated!


from Sandra

If the occasional slump at work is becoming a permanent fixture, then it's high time you went into retreat with yourself and your motivation. After all, you spend almost half of your life at work. We have a few ideas and tips for you on how to overcome the occasional slump and master your job with full motivation every day. After all, you know that "you only do well what you enjoy doing".

Think positive: get out of the whining spiral

All you do is moan and complain to work colleagues about this and that. Your partner or friends can also tell you a thing or two about it and know down to the smallest detail what's going wrong with you at work. We say: Stop. Off. Get out of the whining spiral. If you put so much energy into moaning and complaining, there's no room for the positive things that happen to you every day. Open your eyes and consciously look at what went well. Every job has some of these things: sometimes it's uniquely great colleagues, sometimes it's a varied area of responsibility. And now: talk about it and tell people about it!

Name what you don't like

Despite positive thinking, your job still hasn't turned into a dream job? Then phase 2 comes into effect: go into yourself and name exactly what you don't like and what needs to be done to make your job life sweeter again. Are you not satisfied with your area of work and do you feel over- or under-challenged? Then talk to your line manager to see if you can change things. Don't like working with another department? Then raise the issue at the next team meeting. Some processes are too complicated and make your day-to-day work more difficult? Put forward your ideas for simplification to those responsible. Not everything will change overnight, but even small changes can be incredibly motivating.

Foto von 2 Köchen in einem Gespräch

Attention: Risk of infection

Sometimes our solidarity with colleagues goes so far that we unconsciously adopt their mood and blow the same horn. On closer inspection, we then realize that we are actually doing quite well ourselves and have allowed ourselves to be infected.

In such a case, you have two options: Either you talk to your colleagues and make it clear to them what influence they have on others or you distance yourself from them and look for a new group of colleagues for the lunch break, etc. Neither is easy. Probably the most important thing you need to realize is that you need to be aware of when you've been controlled by other people's whining. Then nothing stands in the way of self-motivation!

Love it. Or leave it.

When all the good advice in the world is no longer of any use and literally all the ropes are breaking, there is only one way out: off to new shores! There's no shame in finding out that your dream job is no longer the right fit for you. After all, you've tried everything, but your motivation level is still at zero.

Start looking for a new job and think carefully in advance about what suits you best. For example, a management position could be a new challenge if you enjoy taking on responsibility and have a good feel for people. If you prefer to focus fully on your work, then look for a position where your expert knowledge is in demand.

By the way: You can find vacant (dream) jobs in the catering industry on HOGASTJOB!


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