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Interview with an apprentice chef


from Nadine

Interview: Apprentice chef Magdalena tells us

Magdalena is 18 years old and is currently in her third year of training as a chef at the "der daberer" organic hotel in Carinthia. We were able to ask the ambitious kitchen artist a few questions about her training and got some exciting answers. Find out more now in the HOGASTJOB interview!

General questions about the cooking apprenticeship

HOGASTJOB: Why did you decide to do an apprenticeship as a chef?

Well, I guess it runs in the family. Everyone in our family loves to cook. So I thought I could go one better with an apprenticeship as a chef.

HOGASTJOB: Was the apprenticeship path fixed from the outset or were there any doubts?

I actually attended a secondary school - the HLW Wolfsberg. But then at some point it occurred to me that I could kill two birds with one stone by doing an apprenticeship with a Matura.

HOGASTJOB: Was it the right decision to take this training path?

It was definitely the perfect choice for me, I haven't regretted it for a minute.
Foto von Lehrling Magdalena bei der Arbeit

HOGASTJOB: How does the training work?

The training period for the apprenticeship with Matura lasts four years. Practical work is supplemented by ten and eight weeks of vocational school per year.

HOGASTJOB: What do you learn at vocational school?

First we learn the basics, and then we expand our knowledge of creative cooking. We try our hand at being artists on the plate, so to speak. In the subject "General Business Studies" (AWL), we are taught the basics of business management. The timetable also includes German, political education, intercultural competence, business organization, ethics, English and technical studies.

HOGASTJOB: In your opinion, what are the advantages of an apprenticeship?

Of course, this is your own earnings. By working, you collect years of insurance early on. And then there is the specific theoretical and practical knowledge that you acquire during your training.

HOGASTJOB: Would you recommend this training path to your friends?

Yes, I would. But only if they also enjoy this profession or cooking.

HOGASTJOB: In your opinion, what do you need to be able to do or bring with you to work in a hotel?

I think the most important qualities are friendliness, team spirit, stress resistance and flexibility.
Foto von Lehrling Magdalena mit Backwaren

Questions about everyday working life & training company

HOGASTJOB: What activities do you carry out in your training company?

This starts with the preparation and plating of dishes, continues with the production of spreads and ends with the fermentation of food. Stowing away the delivered goods is also part of my job. And to make sure the kitchen is always spotless, I also lend a hand with tidying and cleaning.

HOGASTJOB: What does a typical working day look like for you?

First I help with breakfast, then I prepare lunch and the staff meal. In the afternoon, I prepare various products for our stock and in the evening I help with the service.

HOGASTJOB: What is your favorite part of the job?

I like to prepare dishes, so I can fully express my creativity.

HOGASTJOB: What do you like most about your job in general?

The best thing for me is to see that the guest enjoys the food.

HOGASTJOB: Would you recommend the Biohotel "der daberer" as a training company - if so, why?

In any case. We cook healthy food - at the highest level.

HOGASTJOB: What makes "der daberer" so special?

It is a farm with an organic and sustainable concept. Small, fine, familiar and in a place where you can find peace and relaxation.

HOGASTJOB: Please describe the daberer team in three words.

Ambitious, creative and a team player.

HOGASTJOB: Thank you, dear Magdalena!

Foto von Lehrling am Kochtopf

If you now have the feeling that an apprenticeship as a chef could be the right choice for you, we recommend our article "Dream job chef: what you need to know".

Would you rather get straight down to business? Then check out the current apprenticeships and other job vacancies in the hotel and catering industry - on HOGASTJOB!

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